Friday, November 2, 2012

Week 8 physics

On the first day we where asked questions about how the three weights hanging off the table and how they can balance. we tested and tried many different ways to balance. We found that the different angles affect the balance of the forces. The reason for this was because we find do different angle effect balance of the forces. On the second day we got a sheet with different forces on them. There where eight questions and are group got question eight on the sheet we had to answer the problem and white board the data. The reason for this was to make sure that we got the concept of the different forces acting in the different problems. On the third day we presented the white board and saw in the different groups how the forces act in their problems. The reason for this is so we can see different problems. Thursday is the day we had did many force test the first was when we had 4 different people lay there heads on each other laps. All at different angles. We also dod other standing by the wall test. No body past those. The reason for this was to show how your center of gravity changes.

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