Tuesday, September 25, 2012


In week three we did alot of exprimenting the the length and wieght of the stickes. first we seat down and talked about the sticks and found out how they where related. We found out which sticks belong in which groups. After we found out which group they belong to we tried to find the length and wieght of the the sticks. Over all we want to find out how the corespond. Once we figure how they corespond we made a graph, found the slope, then we found the equation. Once we had all are work on paper we put it on a white board to show the class. We talked about all the graphs in the room, and got to walk around and see all of the differnt graphs and how they relate in the room. a lot of the graphs had very simular lines but never the same. then we talked about them some more and moved to are next assignment. Are next assignment was finding the speed of the battery fuld car. first we had to find out what we where doing with car by asking questions and find out which one was the real big question. which was how to findthe speed of the car. The way we found out how to find the speed was by measuring the distance it traveled in a certain amount of time such as three seconds.

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