On the first day we finished up are labs that we start friday period vs. radius. What we found out is thats there is a constant increase so its a constant velocity. After we saw all of this we then presented the rest of the hour. One the next day we took note to day to prepare are selves for tomorrows practice assessment. On the third day we given six problems in each group to answer or solve the problems as a group. After everyone finished we white boarded are answers and presented them in class the reason for this was to get everyone on the same page. So we all know the answers on the assessment. On the fourth day we took a practice assessment as a class. Each group was given a question. And had to answer it and then present are answers to the class. Also mr abude did a presentation where he put a quarter in a balloon was the inertia to continue its path. The reason for this is to give use ideas of how we use this in are day to day life